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Curriculum and Instruction Degree Programs

Online Curriculum and Instruction

Online Curriculum and Instruction  Degrees and Courses

Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering Curriculum and Instruction degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Curriculum and instruction can give teachers a solid advantage when applying for leadership positions within the education field.

Online Curriculum and Instruction Degrees

Deepen your knowledge by earning a graduate degree in curriculum and instruction

While teachers spend the majority of their time sharing their knowledge with students, they also have to keep their own skills current. A master's degree in curriculum and instruction can give teachers a solid advantage when applying for leadership positions within their field.

Choosing your graduate degree in curriculum and instruction

Master's degrees in curriculum and instruction are usually offered by the graduate colleges of the College of Education at public and private institutions. Students can typically choose from the following degrees:

  • Master of Arts (M.A.): This curriculum and instruction degree takes one to two years to complete and is frequently pursued by teachers who would like to get into administration or students who would like to go on to complete a Ph.D. Students can choose from several tracks, such as family, youth and community, literacy education and math education, among others.

  • Master of Education (M.Ed.): Students can choose between a master of education and initial licensure programs, or a master of education and professional study. Coursework takes one to two years to complete.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.): This is the highest degree in curriculum and instruction. Depending on the university, students can pick from many different tracks, including art education, literacy education, learning technologies, etc. Doctoral students complete four to six years of coursework and need to write a dissertation.

Many colleges also offer research-based Ed.S. (educational specialist) degrees, which are intended for working teachers who hold a master's degree and who want to advance their careers. Depending on the school, programs can include administrator leadership for teaching and learning, educational technology, special education etc.

Take your teaching career to the next level by enrolling in a curriculum and instruction degree program. As a teacher, you aleready know that education pays off.

Author: Judy Jenner

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