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PhD Degree: Doctorate in Health Administration

Doctor of Health Administration (DHA) program prepares leaders to respond effectively to the dynamic and ever-changing health care industry

PhD Degree: Doctorate in Health AdministrationThe healthcare field continues to become more and more of a quagmire as time marches on. One of America's main healthcare problems is that the healthcare industry is expected to behave like other industries when affected by market forces. Healthcare prices are expected to regulate under the forces of supply and demand, just like prices do for many other goods and services. Unfortunately, two main factors throw the economics of healthcare out of balance. First, health insurance makes many health care prices invisible to consumers, meaning that those with good health care plans often abuse the healthcare system which ultimately puts upward pressure on insurance premiums for everyone. Second, healthcare demand is often inelastic, meaning that healthcare providers can keep raising prices without seeing a market backlash.

PhD Degree: Doctorate in Health Administration

Healthcare providers, such as hospitals and clinics, are often caught in the middle of the frustration caused by outlandish healthcare prices. Health insurance companies put a lot of pressure on them to reduce fees, and they in turn put a lot of pressure on biotech and pharmaceutical companies to reduce prices for medical supplies and drugs. The people that often have to negotiate for healthcare providers are healthcare administrators.

If you want to become a healthcare administrator, you should look into healthcare administration degree programs. To become an expert in this field, you will probably need to earn a PhD in healthcare administration. There are a number of healthcare administration PhD programs offered both at traditional universities and online. Online healthcare administration PhD programs are popular among those already working in the healthcare field that need a PhD to work up the pay scale.

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