Birthday Color - Brown

Language of Colors - Your Birth Color

Birthday Color - Brown - Language of Colors - Your Birth Color

February 19th - 28th February
August 24th - 2nd September
Your birthday color is Brown

The Birth Color of everyone is defined by their date of birth. A Birthday color tends to speak about the general and characteristic personality features of the people, belonging to that specific Birthday color.

Brown symbolizes: You are active and sporty. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. Once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily.

Brown: What the Color Says About You

February 19th - 28th February
August 24th - 2nd September
Birth Color - Brown:

Brown is the color of dark wood or rich soil. It is a composite color; it is made by combining red, black and yellow, or red, yellow and blue.

You are active and sportive. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily as well.

Brown is the warm neutral color; many languages identify it with red. It is practical, earthy, obstinate, and conscientious.

Shades of Brown:

These words are synonymous with or represent various shades of the color brown. Sienna, snugg-colored, puce, ochre, khaki, ginger, hazel, ecru, copper, coffee, cocoa, umber, toast, terra-cotta, bronze, oak, mahogany, liver-colored, fawn, brunette, tan, chocolate, tawny, russet, cinnamon, nut brown, chestnut, auburn, dapple, wood, sand and bay.

Brown, the color of earth, wood, stone. Brown is a natural, neutral color that is typically associated with the seasons of fall and winter.

The brown color says approachability, dependability, reliability and stability. It is the color of our earth, fertility, growth and soil. It is associated the ideas of "all natural" and "organic."Brown is the color of the Earth and is nurturing and calming.

The color brown touches the mind and body by generating feelings of peace, stability and wholesomeness. Brown provides feelings of connection, history and organization, as well as cozy feelings of warmth and relaxation.

Other meanings associated with the color brown:

  • The term "brown bottle" refers to a bottle of beer.
  • To "brown" something is to cook or scorch it.
  • The saying "brown-nose" refers to someone who sucks up to someone of authority.
  • The phrase "brown study" is used to describe someone who is distant.
  • The expression "brown out" refers to a partial loss of service.

Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs which hold that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details can provide information about personality, human affairs and other "earthly" matters.