California Colleges and Universities

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California Colleges:
A School for Every Student

Save green to earn it in The Golden State

If you're looking for a college in California, you're going to find that the offerings are as varied as the state itself. There are numerous private liberal arts colleges, including more than 20 schools with religious affiliations, and an extensive state education system of both four- and two-year colleges.

Colleges and Universitiesin California

Check out this overview of choices:

  • California Community Colleges: 112 of these public, two-year institutions serve almost three million students throughout the state

  • 4-Year State Colleges: California State has 23 campuses with more than 430,000 students, while the University of California system has nine campuses and another 200,000 students.

  • Private Colleges: There are 75 private, non-profit colleges in California. They educate another quarter of a million students. This category includes seven schools that make up the Claremont colleges, as well as highly specialized universities like the Cal Tech--a world class institution focusing on science and technology--and the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), which trains art and family therapists, as well as similar professions from a holistic, world view.
  • Online Schools: Many California colleges collaborate to create California Virtual Campus, where you can search for online classes from more than public and private 160 colleges. They organize around a single website,

What Does College Cost in Cali?

College tuition in California moves up a ladder of expense:

  • California Community Colleges: $625 annual tuition and fees for in-state residents
  • California State: $5100 for in-state residents
  • University of California: $11,300 for in-state residents
  • Private, Four-Year Colleges: These vary, but the median cost is $31,150

If you live on campus, you'll also have to pay for housing; if you live off-campus, you'll need to factor in your commute.

Who Goes to College in California?

Mirroring the overall population, the student body in California is more varied than in many states. Here's the current ethnic breakdown:

  • White, 39 percent
  • Latino, 31 percent
  • Asian/Pacific Islander, 15 percent
  • Black, 8 percent
  • Filipino, 4 percent
  • Native American, 1 percent

The California Job Market

With a state as large as California, there will be considerable regional variation. Still, there are a number of careers where graduates can expect a substantial increase in demand. Here are the 10 professions in which you can expect the largest growth for the next five years:

  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Network Systems Analyst
  • Biochemist/Biophysicist
  • Medical Scientists
  • Personal Care Aides
  • Home Care Aides
  • Physician Assistant
  • Machine Tender
  • Physical Therapy Aide
  • Mathematical Scientist

As far as what you'll make in each career, that too will vary--a lot! Right now, the mean annual income in California is $51,000. Well, biomedical engineers make a lot more than that at $95,500, as do systems analysts, who bring home about $80,000-$85,000. Biochemists average about $89,000, while medical scientists take home about $86,000, and physician assistants bring home a median of $93,000). In contrast, many of the jobs that will be growing pay markedly less, but also require less education. Home care aides earn around $22,000 a year, and physical therapy aides around $27,000.

At the end of the day, there are many factors to weigh, when you decide to get an education, including time in school, how much it cost you, and how much you'll earn.

Author: Greg Beatty

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