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HVAC Degree Programs

Online HVAC Certification

Online HVAC  Degrees and Courses

Looking for online accredited career colleges and universities offering HVAC degrees. Each program from a Online Career College, a post-secondary for-profit institution, offers an education with an in-demand career field. As total higher education enrollment decreases, student enrollment in courses and degree programs at online colleges continues to rise. Today, millions of college students choose to take some or all of their courses online. Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR) Technician? ACH, ACR, ACHR, HRAC, HVAC, or AC technology.

Online HVAC Certification Degrees

HVAC degree programs

Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration technology degrees are used to prepare you for a career in HVACR installation or repair and maintenance. The courses often include information on repair on systems, computer technology, laws and regulations for HVAC equipment, and learning technical terms for the trade. In addition, classes will offer you hands-on training with different styles of the equipment.

HVAC training is usually taught through trade, technical or vocational schools. The skills learned are applied to work on machines such as heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration units. Job duties include diagnosing and correcting problems, installation, maintaining and repairing equipment, and providing climate control. These duties are often the main responsibilities that come into play for HVAC technicians.

HVACR work in the field

The work environment for HVACR technicians can include travel to different locations or a central location such as a hospital, retail establishment, office building or factory. You can choose to work under contract or for yourself on a per occurrence basis. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this job is growing faster than the annual job.

Careers as technicians

The average median salary for HVACR technicians was $42,350 in 2010, according to BLS data. The industry wage fluctuates depending on the sectors the technician finds employment:

  • Commercial and industrial machinery equipment: $46,000
  • Direct selling establishments: $46,200
  • Hardware and plumbing industries: $48,800

However, those particular fields do have the highest levels of employment in the occupation.

The states with the highest level of employment in the occupation are:

  • Texas: $39,600
  • Florida: $39,300
  • California: $50,700
  • New York: $52,200
  • Pennsylvania: $43,600

However, states with the highest concentration of jobs in the field are Maine, Vermont, Florida and Delaware. If you are looking for the top paying states for this occupation, then try:

  • Alaska: $58,000
  • District of Columbia: $57,700
  • Hawaii: $55,000
  • Massachusetts: $54,600
  • New Jersey: $53,900

Of course the cost of living varies depending on where you are located within the state.

Author: Angela Spires

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