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Herbology Degree Programs

Programs and Degrees

Finding a herbology school should not be too difficult with the increasing interest in herbs and their intriguing properties for healing. Herbologists research and prepare herbs or other natural substances for therapeutic application. Many schools now offer a herbology correspondence course or possibly a complete program of study for those who want to learn on campus.

Herbology Degree Programs

Choosing your herbology school is an important step. You should check to see if the institution offers courses in other disciplines and how well those degrees are received by employers and other schools. You may also want to compare the credentials of the school's instructors, as their level of training will indicate the institution's commitment to their herbology program.

The topics covered in your herbology correspondence courses or program will include extensive understanding of herbs and their healing qualities. You will learn how to recognize herbs native to North America and common ones from other countries. Knowing which part of the herb is used and how to prepare it for consumption or application is a critical part of your training.

If you like the idea of putting the natural healing qualities of herbs into practical application for helping others, you should consider herbology programs and degrees.

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